• Hello

    I have this error processing payments:

    07-19-2020 @ 19:10:51 – Requesting for the Secured Token for the order 5988
    07-19-2020 @ 19:10:51 – Requesting for the Secured Token for the order 5988 with following URL and Paramaters: https://payflowpro.paypal.com?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    07-19-2020 @ 19:10:51 – Request: Array
    [USER] => xxxxxxxx
    [VENDOR] => xxxxxxxxx
    [PARTNER] => PayPal
    [PWD[16]] => XXXX
    [SECURETOKENID] => xxxxxxxxxx
    [TRXTYPE] => S
    [CUSTREF] => 5988
    [USER1] => 5988
    [INVNUM] => WC-PPADV5988
    [AMT] => 553.79
    [FREIGHTAMT] => 0.00
    [COMPANYNAME[27]] => Acton Academy at Fall Creek
    [BUTTONSOURCE] => AngellEYE_SP_WooCommerce
    [RETURNURL[82]] => https://www.sssssss.com/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
    [MERCHDESCR] => sssssssss
    [SHIPTOSTATE[2]] => IN
    [CANCELURL[103]] => https://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/?cancel_ec_trans=true&wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
    [ERRORURL[93]] => https://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/?error=true&wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
    [SILENTPOSTURL[94]] => https://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/?silent=true&wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
    [ITEMAMT] => 553.79
    [L_NUMBER0] => sonrisas-level-1
    [L_NAME0] => Sonrisas Level I
    [L_COST0] => 489.00
    [L_QTY0] => 1
    [L_SKU0] => sonrisas-level-1
    [L_NUMBER1] => book-margarita-y-margaret
    [L_NAME1] => Margarita y Margaret
    [L_COST1] => 7.99
    [L_QTY1] => 1
    [L_SKU1] => book-margarita-y-margaret
    [L_NUMBER2] => book-tengo-sentimientos
    [L_NAME2] => Tengo sentimientos
    [L_COST2] => 5.95
    [L_QTY2] => 1
    [L_SKU2] => book-tengo-sentimientos
    [L_NUMBER3] => book-sali-de-paseo
    [L_NAME3] => Salí de paseo
    [L_COST3] => 7.99
    [L_QTY3] => 1
    [L_SKU3] => book-sali-de-paseo
    [L_NUMBER4] => book-escribir-los-numeros
    [L_NAME4] => Escribir los números
    [L_COST4] => 5.95
    [L_QTY4] => 1
    [L_SKU4] => book-escribir-los-numeros
    [L_NUMBER5] => book-las-figuras-geometricas
    [L_NAME5] => Las figuras geométricas
    [L_COST5] => 5.95
    [L_QTY5] => 1
    [L_SKU5] => book-las-figuras-geometricas
    [L_NUMBER6] => book-un-recorrido-por-las-estaciones
    [L_NAME6] => Un recorrido por las estaciones
    [L_COST6] => 8.99
    [L_QTY6] => 1
    [L_SKU6] => book-un-recorrido-por-las-estaciones
    [L_NUMBER7] => book-las-estaciones
    [L_NAME7] => Las estaciones
    [L_COST7] => 6.99
    [L_QTY7] => 1
    [L_SKU7] => book-las-estaciones
    [L_NUMBER8] => book-oso-bajo-el-sol
    [L_NAME8] => Oso bajo el sol
    [L_COST8] => 7.99
    [L_QTY8] => 1
    [L_SKU8] => book-oso-bajo-el-sol
    [L_NUMBER9] => book-de-la-cabeza-a-los-pies
    [L_NAME9] => De la cabeza a los pies
    [L_COST9] => 6.99
    [L_QTY9] => 1
    [L_SKU9] => book-de-la-cabeza-a-los-pies
    [TAXAMT] => 0.00

    07-19-2020 @ 19:10:54 – Secured Token generation failed for the order 5988 with error: There was an error processing your order – Field format error: Request is too large to process
    07-19-2020 @ 19:10:54 – Secured Token generation failed for the order 5988 with error: There was an error processing your order – Field format error: Request is too large to process

    Do you know which canbe the problem?


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