Request for .pot file for ELEX WooCommerce Request a Quote – Basic Plugin
Dear developer,
I am a user of the ELEX WooCommerce Request a Quote – Basic plugin and I am trying to translate it into Romanian.
I am using the Loco Translate plugin for WordPress translations. I have noticed that the plugin does not include a .pot (Portable Object Template) file in the languages folder or anywhere else.
The absence of a?.pot?file is causing significant issues with translation using Loco Translate. When I add Romanian language and synchronize, the number of strings drastically reduces (from 494strings initially generated to only 411), and important strings like “Product Detail”, “Quantity”, “View quotes list”, “Clear list”, “Update list”, etc., are missing from the translation file.
This makes it impossible for me to fully and accurately translate the plugin into Romanian.
I kindly request that you generate and include a complete and updated .pot file in the plugin as soon as possible. A .pot file is essential for the correct and efficient translation of the plugin and it is standard practice for WordPress plugins that aim to be translatable to include a .pot file.
Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to your reply.
Dragoslav Radovan
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