I’m really grateful for the support you are giving. Thanks again. ??
Fairy Name Can like which fairy are you? Input Your Name and Forest Name(Or maybe preselected forest). Then any combination may work. Only, for male name last letter will be a consonant and for females, the last letter can be a vowel.
For Dragon Name the same thing can be applied but instead of the forest it can be cave, bone, sky, forest, red, black, etc combination
For Elf Name, It can be like a forest name or tree name but the last letter should be a vowel for female and consonant for male
For Vampire it can be a combination of name and title like “Blood Cuddler”
For Werewolf It can be like Name and Clan Name (Preselected or open) With A title like Neck Breaker
For Witch name it can be named with a combination of wired objects and title
For Dwarf name it can be named with mountains etc etc
These are just thoughts and thanks again and again. ??