• I’ve searched the net for some RSS/Links plugins and so far have only been able to come up with the usual del.icio.us plugins. The problem I’m facing is that I don’t want to use del.icio.us for a project that I’m working on (for various reasons), but would still like a way to incorporate tagged links from a Jots account using a del.ic.ious style plugin much like the Del.icio.us Integrator here:


    So far I’ve tried to manipulate the plugin to work with Jots, but have had nothing but disasterous results. That’s why I’m here. There is apparently no plugin for integrating Jots (at least none that I’ve found) after a few days of searching on the net. This leaves me in the benevolent, and highly capable, hands of the wordpress community. Is anyone up to the challenge? To help get things started here is a list of “needs” for the plugin:

    The Jots Integrator (for lack of a creative name) must:
    1. Allow the display of the last “x” recent links, customizable by the user.
    2. Be able to be called from either the sidebar or from within a page’s content.
    3. Pull from a specific Jots user page or RSS feed. (example – https://jots.com/users/{username} OR https://rss.jots.com/users/{username})

    That’s all I need for now. Something small, easy to customize, and something that I can call from within a post, or a page so that the links appear to be HTML that I’ve hardcoded into the page content. I leave this to your talented minds, as mine produces nothing more than chicken scratch at best ??

    P.S. Yes, I’m set on Jots, that’s why I’m asking nicely for a Jots plugin. Please don’t just post comments convincing me to use del.icio.us or Furl as I’m set on Jots for this project.

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  • Ummm, anything with an RSS feed can be pretty easily processed with my CG-FeedRead plugin. It can be called from a sidebar or page-specific template, or using something like CG-QuickPHP it can be called directly within a WP Page or Post.

    All you need to do is call the getSomeFeed function something like:

    <?php getSomeFeed( "https://rss.jots.com/users/your-name", 5, false, 'my-jots'); ?>

    FeedRead is part of my CG-PowerPack, if you want to try it out. Ping me here or at cgcode at chait dot net if you have any questions.

    I’ve also proven out using FeedRead for things like TadaList, delicious, etc. It’s a fine solution for quickly aggregating sidebar links from most any RSS feed/source.


    Thread Starter antilochus


    To be honest, I saw your plugin package, but was slightly intimidated by all of the pieces and what would be useful. I’ll go ahead and download and give it a try. I’m using the rssLinkList plugin right now and it’s just not working at all. I try to call the information from a post and I get nothing ??

    I may have to repackage things at some point — guess I don’t understand enough of the ‘intimidation factor’, since you only activate what you want running… ??

    At the ‘raw’ level:
    1. unzip the archive
    2. upload the entire contents of the {plugins} folder to your online wp-content/plugins/ folder (include the {cg-plugins} subfolder as part of the upload…)
    3. go into wp-content/plugins/cg-plugins on your site, and make sure to set the permissions of the {cache_feedread} folder to at least 666 (so the feeds can be cached there)
    4. activate the CG-FeedRead plugin
    5. add a getSomeFeed call to your sidebar (see the feedreadReadme file for more examples if my above one doesn’t help).

    If you want to do this INSIDE a WP Page, you have two options:
    1. a custom page template, that overrides the page content with something completely customized.
    2. Use something like CG-QuickPHP (which isn’t in the PowerPack as yet…) or one of the other php execution plugins to allow you to call PHP from within a post/page. (Otherwise, inserting any kind of php code into a page is just TEXT, it has no way to be ‘executed’).


    Thread Starter antilochus


    That’s the problem I’m having then!

    When I write in the function to call the php it just shows up as text; brilliant, thanks ??

    Now I need to go find a php execution plugin to allow me to call it from within the page content itself. Perhaps this will help you with understanding the “intimidation” factor of dealing with adding features to WordPress. Up until now if I wanted to implement a feature all I needed to do was install one plugin. From what you’ve described it sounds like I have to install no fewer than three plugins to get one job done. That is where the intimidation comes in ??

    Thread Starter antilochus


    Well David, you haven’t quite rescued me yet, but you’re pretty darn close ??

    I installed your CG packa nd got the quickPHP up as well. Everything looks good, the QuickPHP and the CG_FeedRead have both been activated, and I inserted the php call for getSomeFeed with the correct rss feed and this is what I have:


    Any thoughts on the problem? I tried deleting that extra space before the php, but it keep inserting it when I publish the page. Other than that, I have no idea why the plugin won’t work, unless I need to CHMOD the cache_feedread folder to something other than 755.

    Yes, two things:
    First, the <?php ?> bracketing isn’t used with QuickPHP, as the examples in the readme should have shown. There’s even a getSomeFeed example there for you! ??

    All you need in the body of the page is something like:

    <quickphp getSomeFeed("https://www.chait.net/wp-rss2.php", 20, false, 'chaitgear'); />

    That’s all. No other php wrappering or anything. The quickphp tag itself controls it all for you.

    The second question: yes, you might need the cache folder to be 666 (or 766), depending upon the owners/users for apache, php, and your ftp client.

    Oh, and on the ‘intimidation factor’, I guess the process of copying a lot of files up can be intimidating in and of itself — but that’s the easiest way for me to package things. And you only needed one plugin activated for the sidebar feed thing. The problem was when you wanted to have ‘php in a post’, that’s inherently not done in WP, so you need another plugin to allow that — and CG-QuickPHP is certainly the fastest approach, when you only have a single function to call. The other php exec plugins let you do amazingly dynamic stuff, embedding full PHP into a page — but I generally would make a custom page template to do the work and not try to embed really complex stuff into the page/post itself.

    But yeah, I see what you’re getting at..


    Thread Starter antilochus


    It seems to be working well now, thanks Dave. Just have to play around with the options to get the description to show up and I’ll be pleased as punch.

    Thanks for you help!

    No problem. If you have other questions, feel free to ask (as I know the plugins inside and out, obviously!). ??


    I’m working on this too and I’m getting a bulleted list, but I love how yours looks(https://www.techsavvyed.net/?page_id=30)! Can you tell me what you did?

    natalie –

    if you use something like CG-QuickPHP, you can make a call to CG-FeedRead from within a WP Page (or Post). Alternately, you can create a custom PHP page or template and call CG-FeedRead direct from there.

    For non-sidebar, you want to make sure to set the $feedStyle parameter to true or 1.

    getSomeFeed($InUrl, 5, true, ‘my-jots’, ”, -1, -1, false, true, true);

    That is probably close to what Anti’s using. For quick details:
    – the 5 is the max posts to grab.
    – true tells it to show the details (not just title)
    – my-jots is whatever you’d like to name the caching file (useful when you want to find and delete it!)
    – ” is to not try to filter out posts
    – -1, -1 tells it to not ‘crop’ the title (first) or content/details (second) at all.
    – false tells it to ENABLE html content — use true if you want plain text (Anti’s is likely plain text…).
    – true tells it to show the time (not necessary…)
    – true tells it to format as if it was a set of postings, not sidebar ul/li. different wrappering, CSS, better for in-page formatting (at the start, it >might< match decently to existing CSS, depending on your template…).


    Thanks, david… I’ve printed this and I’ll take a look. Thanks for being detailed. I got it up on my test site but it’s just a bulleted list with no descriptions.

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