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  • Actually, there is a reason – you can read it in your own admin panel: Manage > Pages…

    Pages are like posts except they live outside of the normal blog chronology

    Thread Starter etsell


    I understand that pages are not necessarily issued chronologically like Posts are, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dated. After all, the default Page template includes the date for the page — so there should also be a way to edit it. I have added another template to post pages without dates, but sometimes I want them there. It seems like a simple matter to add the same edit box that Posts have.

    (BTW: Here is where I am using it: )

    Until such a feature exists, you could display the modified data/time in your Pages:

    Simple solution :
    Create a plugin with :

    function timestamp_pages()
    <fieldset id="posttimestampdiv" class="dbx-box">
    <h3 class="dbx-handle"><?php _e('Post Timestamp'); ?></h3>
    <div class="dbx-content"><?php touch_time(($action == 'edit')); ?></div>
    add_action('dbx_page_sidebar', 'timestamp_pages');



    Malaiac, that’s great! I added a few lines to make it readable as a plugin and it works perfectly! Now I can change the timestamp on any page of my website exactly like I can with any posts! Thank you very much! =)

    I agree with etsell. I completely understand the purpose of pages, but being able to set a future time on a timestamp for a page would allow that page, or it’s edits to go live at a certain time without the need to do it manually would be time saving. For example, on one of my client’s web sites, I’m using WordPress as a CMS and so I have far more pages than posts. It would be helpful to make a page about some special event at any time and be able to tell it to go live at a specific time in the future without having to leave it unpublished, then remember to publish it when I want it live.

    WordPress 2.5 has timestamp option when editing pages, but I’m unsure how they affect the publishing of the page. I haven’t done any testing with it yet, and theres little to no documentation on the unique features of 2.5 as of yet.

    I decided to not be lazy test the timestamping for pages in 2.5.

    With a new page, setting a time in the future will postpone the page from going live (or being published) until the set time.

    When making edits to an existing page, the edits show immediately, regardless of timestamp.

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