Reporting a cformsII issue
If you happen to find a bug, please feel free to create a new topic, but please be sure to follow these rules:
- Search the forum. Someone may have had the exact same issue.
- Give your report a meaningful title.
- Include WordPress and cformsII version numbers and optionally PHP version number you use.
- If you happen to run your webserver on Microsoft Windows, which is very uncommon, please provide this information.
- Read the FAQ before reporting. If you post a question about emails not being sent, be sure to include the information that you tried Check Email plugin at least. Otherwise your post will be ignored.
- A URL demonstrating the bug is really helpful. If you can provide one, please provide it. It will save a lot of time dealing with the issue.
See also How to Report Bugs Effectively for further information.
- The topic ‘Reporting a cformsII issue’ is closed to new replies.