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  • Karl Jacobs



    It’s simple.

    They’ve taken away the ability to have the “From” field be that of the person that filled out the form. It now needs to be a generic email, and the actual sender information needs to be buried in the body of the email.

    So yes, you can’t simply reply to the sender anymore from a form submission.

    Neil Murray


    @deb Shadovitz – please add your content in the Form & Mail sections here so I can help to clarify your particular configuration issues.

    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    What’s really odd is that the forms still work fine. I have done several tests. The Reply-To works perfectly, just like before.

    As I said, having checked their HELP page again, the instructions still tell us to do exactly what I did. Here is that help page again: <;

    Karl: Do you use that same Reply-To code under additional headers? Because a firend of mine doesn’t and he sees the sender in the body.

    Buzztone, here is my Form and Mail tab info.


    <p>Your name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name akismet:author] </p>
    <p>Your phone (required)<br />
        [tel* tel-949] </p>
    <p>Your Email <br />
        [email your-email akismet:author_email] </p>
    <p>What would you like us to know?<br />
        [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    In the MAIL tab I have this:
    To: is 3 addresses set with commas, which is fine
    From: [your-name] <[email protected]>
    Subject: Contact from website
    Additional HeadersReply-To: [your-email]
    (This is the field marked as having the error.)
    Message Body:

    From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
    Message Body:

    Neil Murray


    Additional HeadersReply-To: [your-email]
    (This is the field marked as having the error.)

    You need to make [your-email] a required field – [email* your-email akismet:author_email].

    Additional Headers is just like the other To: From: & Subject: fields – it needs to be a valid email address.

    If your user does not supply this value you are then trying to send an email with Reply-To: BLANK which is invalid email syntax.

    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    Hi Buztone.
    So my error is that I don’t have email as required?
    That’s simple to fix, thanks to you.

    However... some of this site’s visitors (potential clients) don’t have email or don’t want to communicate by email. In that case, we don’t want to stop them from writing to us and the staff simply phones them.

    Given that we don’t have an auto-responder sending an email reply, are we ok with the form as I have it?

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