• Plugin Author SiteOrigin


    Hi officiellement

    From the sounds of things you’ve had a very poor experience with Page Builder. I’m very sorry to hear that. I’m going to reply to all your messages here. You posted 5 messages on other people’s threads, so this is easiest way for me to reply to everything.

    So just the basics on how Page Builder works. Page Builder isn’t an HTML and CSS editor like Dreamweaver. There might be another plugin for WordPress that offers this functionality, but ours isn’t one of them. Page Builder needs to remain active to generate your content. This is mainly because it works with WordPress widgets, which themselves offer dynamic content. This means Page Builder needs to remain active in order to render the dynamic content.

    Clicking on revert to editor (and clicking yes to the confirmation) is basically a way of saying that you no longer want to use Page Builder to create the dynamic content, which will create a snapshot of your content in a way that doesn’t require dynamic rendering.

    > Loosing your work, hours of work, for eternity. Byebye. If your using SO page builder, your slave of SO page builder. And you must pray the cat to dont press the keyboard against SO page builder when your going to make a coffee.

    You mentioned quite a few times that you lost content. Just a reminder that Page Builder has its own built in history browser. Page Builder also works with the WordPress revisions feature. So you can always roll back your content at any point. Let us know if you need help with this.

    > People using it want the same visual of a page when deactivate page builder when giving a website for the child, for a cousin, for clients.

    This is how all other page building plugins work. You can try out Beaver Builder, WooRockets Page Builder, Visual Composer, etc. There is no way for the plugin to render dynamic content after you disable it. If you find a plugin that continues working when its disabled, please let me know. I’d honestly like to take a look at their code to see how they’ve accomplished this.

    > But Greg’s very kind, he works very hard to make a business success too

    Thanks for the kind feedback. Just a reminder that Page Builder is free. We work hard on Page Builder to create a useful product for the WordPress community, but it’s not something we currently make money on directly.

    > Site origin page builder –> Garbage for me
    > According to you, how many stars it worth?

    Again, sorry to hear you dislike our plugin so much. I’m not sure what to say here. It’s something we work very hard on, we’ve worked hard on creating the documentation to make it easier to get through the learning curve. We also offer free support on our own forums – https://siteorigin.com/thread/ – there are no tricks here, it really is a free plugin with free support and free documentation.

    Because of this, we’ve had an average rating of 4.8 stars (we have some awesome users). If you feel frustrated and that our hard work is only worth 1-star, that’s alright. I wish you the best of luck with which ever plugin you decide to change to. If you’d rather take the time to learn how to use Page Builder, then we’ll see you on our support forums. We’d be happy to help ??

    Sorry if I missed one of your questions or comments. Again, if you post on our forums we’d be glad to answer any other questions you have.


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  • Martin


    Thanks for the fast reply Greg.

    “Page Builder also works with the WordPress revisions feature. So you can always roll back your content at any point. Let us know if you need help with this.”

    I will look about that plugin tomorrow. If I understand correctly, everything is not loose?

    So I will need to give you the 4 stars if so.

    “Again, if you post on our forums we’d be glad to answer any other questions you have.”

    I dont because its not a forum but a blog. Its very hard to read other about think. In a real forum its very easy to do so…

    “Just a reminder that Page Builder is free.”

    Yep we too often forgot. Thanks for working hard building a free product for us.

    “free documentation.”

    the democratisation of drupal and wordpress since few years its a problem and I think it is part of our frustration. 5 years ago the word “documentation” on a free drupal or wordpress was really “documentation”. But now I understand more about SO Page Builder. Can I suggest you a real doc like :

    To do exactly that Page Layout :
    1) you should have activated theme X by X
    2) you should do these step :

    And writing inside the docs “warning : if you desactivated SO PB, you will loose your visual content but not the page”.

    This is a real doc. But I understand its a free product so you are not abble to code, answer us, writing a real doc, and love a wife and kids, pay the bill, in the same hour like superheroe does.

    Thanks again Greg.



    Having good documentation can save a lot of time to the author and his team.

    Here’s an example of a real clear and detail documentation (for the blogBox theme) :


    This author saves lot of time because it’s so clear that few people need to ask him questions.

    It is written for people like me with little knowledge and experience in website creation. Easy to understand.

    In comparison, SO page builder have many more features, but its docs is poorest :

    Its why we are here to ask a lot of questions. And its why you spend a lot of hours trying to answer us with smiley. Your time would be more effective to give away your product rather than answer 1000 almost the same questions every day because your documentation is not very clear.

    It’s just a point of view.

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