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  • The YARPP thumbnail option uses the WordPress “featured image”. That’s how the image is chosen.

    But is there any way to change that? If I chose a “featured image” in my theme for my post it puts the picture at the very top of the post and most of the time I don’t want that. I normally want to say a little something before having an image. Any suggestions on how I can change this in my theme or maybe the new version of this plug in will have a feature of selecting the first image? I also tried to change the default image and I don’t know how. Help please?

    I have the same problem.
    On a lot of themes, when you use featured images and display summary blog view, all your images show up twice in the archive/summary view, or they are above the content, which is not good.

    I want to just use the first image in the post.
    Is there some way to change the code?

    There’s a plugin called Easy Add Thumbnail that extracts the first image from content and makes it the featured image:

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