• Hi.. i have tried a few plugins, Real-Time Find and Replace, WordPress Filter, Text Replace.. but i didn’t find yet what i’m looking for.. or probably i’m not able to configure them.

    I need to replace every links containing a specific word like rapidshare, ed2k, etc into a TEXT in real time.. but without affecting any link that does not contain those words.

    The problem is that every link obviously is different by the other one;
    Just to make an example..
    i have 2 emule links:
    the structure is always the same but the content is different.

    So i would need a plugin able to use a wildcard character, as i tried with many plugins putting a filter like ed2k://|file|*.*|*|*|h=*| but without success ..
    and this job should be done in real time, so without affecting the database.

    Does anybody know a plugin able to replace the words or links into text in real time using wildcard characters ?

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