• Hi. From the get go I would like to state that I know NOTHING about web design. I probably will not understand terms of art. I am a lawyer and I am trying to make my own website.

    For reference, you may view my site at https://www.bestinterestlaw.com

    Anyways, I have the wordpress responsive theme by themeID, version This theme has a default home page.

    I am trying to replace the featured image on the home page with a slideshow.

    I installed the meteor-slide Version 1.5.1 and activated it, added my slides and everything. Then I went to my wordpress dashboard and went to appearance>theme options> homepage. Then I went down to featured content box and replaced my image with [meteor_slideshow].

    When viewing the website, this does nothing but literally show the words [meteor_slideshow] in the featured content where the picture once was.

    Is there anyone who can help me to get meteor slides to work on this theme? I.e. explain it in the most dumbed down way possible?


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  • Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    Hi, did you check out the documentation on adding Meteor Slides to the Responsive theme?

    Thread Starter dmglaw15


    Yes. I will try again though.

    Thread Starter dmglaw15


    i followed the steps again and it is still not working. on my website, it just states [meteor_slideshow] where the slideshow would be.


    Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    It looks like you have everything setup right, it could be a plugin conflict, try deactivating any other plugins you have running and test it. Otherwise if you want to send me a login I can take a closer look.

    Hi dmglaw15,
    I’ve just installed it using the same theme as you.

    Here’s what you can do.

    Firstly install the child-theme of “responsive” if you haven’t already.

    Copy the home.php from the parent and paste it into the child folder…something like….website\wp-content\themes\responsive-child-theme\

    Open this file (the one you’ve just created in the child folder) in notepad or any code editor.
    Find the line
    <div id="featured" class="grid col-940">

    and paste this after
    <?php if ( function_exists( 'meteor_slideshow' ) ) { meteor_slideshow(); } ?>

    This will then display the slideshow above your featured content.

    If you don’t want this featured content simply replace everything after the slideshow line with..

    </div><!-- end of #featured -->
    <?php get_sidebar('home'); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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