• katiecoleslaw


    Hi everyone,
    I’m currently using the Mimbo theme for my website, https://veryrelevant.tv/

    I was wondering, is it possible to replace the “Featured Categories” sidebar with something else, like a Twitter feed? I’ve combed this forum and other Mimbo boards looking for an answer but couldn’t find one…

    Also, after I added an image as my background, all the text has been squashed together. It looks like this in my style.css –

    body, select, input, textarea {
    	font: 100% helvetica;
    body { background-image: url('https://veryrelevant.tv/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/tumblr_lsh1v0gihK1qbgu2lo1_500.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat; background-position: top center; background-attachment: scroll; }

    Any help greatly appreciated!
    – Katie

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