How to replace header-image with featured-image
I have ported the header-image function of twentyeleven for those, who wish to replace the header-image by the featured image (when it’s set) on a singular page.
1. Create a childtheme based on twentytwelve
2. Copy over header.php and replace the following (you might have some additional anchor markup, which I removed)<?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if ( ! empty( $header_image ) ) : ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( $header_image ); ?>" class="header-image" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?>" height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?>" alt="" /></a> <?php endif; ?>
<?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if ( ! empty( $header_image ) ) : ?> <?php if ( is_singular() && has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) : echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'full', 'class=header-image' ); else : ?> <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $header_image ); ?>" class="header-image" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?>" height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?>" alt="" /> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?>
3. Copy over content.php and the replace the following (line 18)
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
with<?php if ( is_home() ) : ?> <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> <?php endif; ?>
The outcome:
Info on Step 2: I’ve removed the additional image-size checks of twentyeleven. But they can be easily added.
Step 3 will avoid multiple header-images on singular pages. On the home page, it will show the featured image as a thumbnail.
For some reason, class=”wp-post-image” (besides “header-image”) is also applied to the header. Usually, it doesn’t hurt. But still, are there any workarounds?
Please feel free to improve / minimize / optimize the code!
Have fun ;)!
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