• esemlabel


    It can be marked as resolved.

    I’ve done this, so I am sharing with other.
    First, be shure Font Awsome is on your site.

    How to Replace original ajax-loader with Font Awsome icon spinner after Sending button is clicked.


    /* hide original loader */
    div.wpcf7 img.ajax-loader {
        display: none;
    /* style for custom loader
       '1s' for speeding up animation */
    i.fa.fa-refresh.fa-spin.ajax-loader-cusom {
        -webkit-animation: fa-spin 1s infinite linear;
        animation: fa-spin 1s infinite linear;


    // Adding Font Awsome spinner, hidden by default
    $('img.ajax-loader').after('<i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin ajax-loader-cusom" style="visibility: hidden"></i>');
    // Show new spinner on Send button click
    $('.wpcf7-submit').on('click', function () {
        $('.ajax-loader-cusom').css({ visibility: 'visible' });
    // Hide new spinner on result
    $('div.wpcf7').on('wpcf7:invalid wpcf7:spam wpcf7:mailsent wpcf7:mailfailed', function () {
        $('.ajax-loader-cusom').css({ visibility: 'hidden' });

    Note: change $ to jQuery if you’re not using this code inside
    jQuery(document).ready(function ($)

    Note 2: if you want to add another Font Awsome icon, be shure to add ajax-loader-cusom inside <i class=" needed for targeting on show/hide.


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  • Thread Starter esemlabel


    Another animated icons can befound on Font Awsome example page



    Thanks for this great contribution!



    Hello, thank you for your great solution. You have helped me a lot!

    But I have a problem with the last part of your code, especially with hiding off my custom ajax loader. It doesn’t work for me. What can cause the event doesn’t firing?

    Thread Starter esemlabel



    If you’re using official unmodified and latest version of contact form 7, all should works fine.

    But you cand try this: replace line
    $('div.wpcf7').on('wpcf7:invalid wpcf7:spam wpcf7:mailsent wpcf7:mailfailed', function () {
    with line:
    $(document).on('wpcf7:invalid wpcf7:spam wpcf7:mailsent wpcf7:mailfailed', function () {

    Give a try and tell if it helped.



    Thanks a lot for a such fast answer.

    I figured out what the problem is. I had uploaded jquery.plugin, and wordpress or CF7 uploaded it too, second time (haven’t found who did that yet).

    After my jquery had removed, your solution started to work fine.
    Thanks again!)

    Could you please clarify where to put this code? Thanks!

    Thread Starter esemlabel


    @rosa Bosma,
    css code need to be placed in one of you css files, for ex. style.css
    js code need to be placed in one of your theme’s active (included) .js file.

    If you don’t know what that means, it is better to not do that.

    On the contrary, that makes perfect sense to me. Just wanted to be 100% sure. Thank you for the prompt response!

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