• Hi all,

    Going through my logs, I appear to be getting a lot of 404 errors with weird double-domain names going on, e.g.


    I’ve never experienced it myself, but it’s happened with several user-agents, so I can’t put it down to a browser/feed-reader bug. Any ideas?

    Here’s my .htaccess if it makes any odds – I’m not very good at this bit ??

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    RewriteRule /journal/?$ /

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    RedirectPermanent /journal/feed https://thinkdrastic.net/feed
    RedirectPermanent /journal/comments/feed https://thinkdrastic.net/comments/feed
    Redirect /.../2006/03/CountVonCount.jpg https://thinkdrastic.net/journal/wp-content/hotlink_numptard.gif
    # END WordPress

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