• Hello Donncha,

    Your great plugin autogenerateв apache’s .htaccess config.
    Could you spend a little time to write correct configuration for nginx?

    It is known that we can to find many 3rd party solutions by Google, but I want to get configuration from you to make sure that everything is correct!

    I think many people would agree with me ??



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  • I agree too, but I don’t use nginx and don’t have time to write the code that supports it. If anyone wants to submit a patch …

    Thread Starter fader27


    I’m sure there is sufficient number of specialists to offer comprehensive configuration.
    Could you add webserver detection and generate appropriate configuration in new plugin version?

    Thread Starter fader27


    What about this solution:

    # WP Super Cache rules.
    # Enable detection of the .gz extension for statically compressed content.
    # Comment out this line if static gzip support is not compiled into nginx.
    gzip_static on;
    set $supercacheuri "";
    set $supercachefile "$document_root/wp-content/cache/supercache/${http_host}${uri}index.html";
    if (-e $supercachefile) {
        set $supercacheuri "/wp-content/cache/supercache/${http_host}${uri}index.html";
    # If this is a POST request, pass the request onto WordPress.
    if ($request_method = POST) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    # If there is a query string, serve the uncached version.
    if ($query_string) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    # Logged in users and those who have posted a comment get the non-cached version.
    if ($http_cookie ~* comment_author_|wordpress_logged_in|wp-postpass_) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    # Mobile browsers get the non-cached version.
    # Wastes CPU cycles if there isn't a mobile browser WP theme for the site.
    if ($http_x_wap_profile) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    if ($http_profile) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    if ($http_user_agent ~* (2.0\ MMP|240x320|400X240|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo|Elaine/3.0|EudoraWeb|Googlebot-Mobile|hiptop|IEMobile|KYOCERA/WX310K|LG/U990|MIDP-2.|MMEF20|MOT-V|NetFront|Newt|Nintendo\ Wii|Nitro|Nokia|Opera\ Mini|Palm|PlayStation\ Portable|portalmmm|Proxinet|ProxiNet|SHARP-TQ-GX10|SHG-i900|Small|SonyEricsson|Symbian\ OS|SymbianOS|TS21i-10|UP.Browser|UP.Link|webOS|Windows\ CE|WinWAP|YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2|iPhone|iPod|Android|BlackBerry9530|LG-TU915\ Obigo|LGE\ VX|webOS|Nokia5800)) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    if ($http_user_agent ~* (w3c\ |w3c-|acs-|alav|alca|amoi|audi|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-|dang|doco|eric|hipt|htc_|inno|ipaq|ipod|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-|lg/u|maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|palm|pana|pant|phil|play|port|prox|qwap|sage|sams|sany|sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo|teli|tim-|tosh|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|wap-|wapa|wapi|wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda\ |xda-)) {
        set $supercacheuri "";
    # Stop processing if the supercache file is valid.
    if ($supercacheuri) {
        rewrite ^ $supercacheuri break;

    We have it enabled on more blogs, just ignore the mod_rewrite Warning, enable gzip_static.

    #wenn file existiert gleich anzeigen
    if (-f $request_filename) {
    set $supercache_file '';
    set $supercache 1;
    set $supercache_uri $request_uri;
    set $ihttp_host '';
    if ($request_method = POST) {
    	set $supercache 0;
    # Using pretty permalinks, so bypass the cache for any query string
    set $qs 0;
    if ($query_string) {
    	set $qs 1;
    #supercaching when coming from twitter, facebook, feedburner
    if ($query_string ~* "^utm_source=([^&]+)&utm_medium([^&]+)&utm_campaign=([^&]+)(&utm_content=([^&]+))?$") {
    	set $qs 0;
    	set $supercache_uri $document_uri;
    #set $qs 1;
    #if querystring test not passed, not caching
    #deactivate on high load
    if ($qs = 1) {
    	set $supercache 0;
    #deactivate it on high traffic
    if ($http_cookie ~* "comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_" ) {
    	set $supercache 0;
    #mobile device support
    #RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^.*(2.0\ MMP|240x320|400X240|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo|Elaine/3.0|EudoraWeb|Googlebot-Mob)$
    #RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^(w3c\ |w3c-|acs-|alav|alca|amoi|audi|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-|dang|doco|eric|hipt|htc_|inno|)$
    #if ($http_user_agent ~* '^.*(2.0\ MMP|240x320|400X240|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo|Elaine/3.0|EudoraWeb|Googlebot-Mob)$') {
    #	set $supercache 0;
    #if ($http_user_agent ~* '^(w3c\ |w3c-|acs-|alav|alca|amoi|audi|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-|dang|doco|eric|hipt|htc_|inno|)$') {
    #	set $supercache 0;
    if ($http_user_agent ~* '(iphone|ipod|aspen|incognito|webmate|android|dream|cupcake|froyo|blackberry9500|blackberry9520|blackberry9530|blackberry9550|blackberry 9800|webos|s8000|bada)') {
    #	set $ihttp_host '-mobile';
    	set $supercache 0;
    # if we haven't bypassed the cache, specify our supercache file
    if ($supercache = 0 ) {
    	set $supercache_uri '';
    if ($supercache_uri ~ ^(.+)$) {
    		set $supercache_file /wp-content/cache/supercache/$http_host$1/index${ihttp_host}.html;
    # only rewrite to the supercache file if it actually exists
    if (-f $document_root$supercache_file) {
    	rewrite ^ $supercache_file last;
    #	rewrite ^(.*)$ $supercache_file last;
    Thread Starter fader27


    + for thought:

    nginx + php-fpm + PHP APC + WordPress multisite (subdirectory) + WP Super Cache

    Nginx’s experts, I do not have good skill to create final version of most competent, comprehensive and actually config. Need some help.


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