• Hi. I’ve seen that there’s currently no way of reordering the card elements in the frontend. I don’t know if it’s in your plans or not but I need that for a project so I’ve implemented a filter to allow it and was wondering if it may be useful for a next update (it’s a bit rough):

    at class-wpzoom-recipe-card-block.php

    $inner_block_content = 
    			$recipe_card_image .
    			$recipe_card_heading .
    			$details_content .
    			$summary_text .
    			$ingredients_content .
    			$steps_content .
    			$recipe_card_video .
    			$notes_content .
    			$footer_copyright .
    		$block_content = sprintf(
    			'<div class="%1$s" id="%2$s">%3$s</div>',
    			esc_attr( trim( $RecipeCardClassName ) ),
    			esc_attr( $id ),

    and then using the filter in functions.php to i.e. move the video to a different position:

    function recipe_card_content_items_custom_order($inner_block_content,$fragments)
    	$inner_block =
    	return $inner_block;
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