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  • No the admin interface isn’t designed to be manipulated in that way (at least it doesn’t look to be that way), that’s why that author encountered many problems in implementation.

    What exactly do you want to change, the placement of each menu, or individual items in particular menus?..

    I can show you how to make your own menu in the admin (would be additional to what’s there already) if this is a matter of particular items being in an inconvenient place.

    Thread Starter Dave Redfern


    hello t31os_.

    I actually want to add dividers more than re-order the meenu items. inparticular add one to seperate comments and media from pages and posts.


    I did find a method for moving them around just recently, but i found it somewhat “hacky” at best… but it did divide them up a bit more (i’ll see if i can find the link again – i look at soo many pages a day though, i’ll not make any guarantees)

    It’s my general opinion that you should try to avoid playing around with these areas of the admin because they are subject to change and the approaches i’ve seen didn’t “seem” very reliable..

    I’ll have a dig into the code and see if i can find an easy way to add seperators.. again no promises.. but i’ll see if i can find a tidy and reliable way for you.

    I’ve just realised, if it’s a matter of creating some space between one of the menus (top and bottom of media), then it could be done just using some CSS. Is that what you’re after? .. i can give you something to do that..

    you can reorder the admin menu by following the steps in

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