• Hello fellow WordPress enthusiast,

    I have the website Tools4hackers
    Running on wordpress 4.3.1 and the Ample theme.

    The following plugins are live and activated.

    -Custom Facebook Feed
    -EWWW Image Optimizer
    -Jetpack by WordPress.com
    -NK Google Analytics
    -SEO Ultimate
    -Seo Wizard
    -Twitter Tweets
    -W3 Total Cache
    -XML Sitemap & Google News feeds
    -ZenCache (deactivated) trying to delete gives server 500 error)

    When i go to google page speed i get a score of 69 mobile and 89 desktop

    So i want to optimize the “above the fold blocking” in css and js
    no mather what i do i keep getting a error on the following lines.




    The first one is strange because that’s the script that should minify the render blocking on css?

    The second one i cant seem to find.

    Leverage browser caching is all set up the right way with a expiry date or a maximum age.

    Google say that i need to set a expiry date on a lot of the following cacheable resources.

    The resources that google mentions are all on a different website
    Sow how can i set a expire date?

    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…6/1174175/fonts/aAntennaBold_f_3095.woff (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…/1174175/fonts/aAntennaLight_f_3098.woff (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…75/images/juniper_logo_369908_300x82.png (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…4175/images/orange_BTN_404441_100x30.jpg (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/48056/1174175/manifest.js (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…antAssets/300x250_Banner3_compressed.jpg (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/frameworks/js/adlib/1/4156/adlib-min.js (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…rameworks/js/adlib/1/4156/modules-min.js (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/frameworks/js/api/2/8/html5API.js (expiration not specified)
    https://secure.flashtalking.com/…/1357513/1174175/js/j-1357513-1174175.js (expiration not specified)

    Please help me out because i cant find any solution.
    Thanks for your time ??

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  • Not sure how you could fix the first problem.
    As for the second problem – those resources are located on the external domain and will not be affected by configurations on your website. The only way is to write to them or to use internal resources

    Same problem here, looking for update…

    my page: https://feg-ffb.de

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