Hello Harold,
the WooCommerce Expand Tabs plugin removes the tabs altogether, so there are no tabs to rename, therefore the mentioned snipped doesn’t do anything for you.
I assume you’re actually trying to rename the H2 headings that reside within the tabs, which incidentally is named the same as the tab. You can do that by replacing the entire tab, as shown in the Customizing a tab section. Alternatively you can use the following snippet to rename the Description and Additional Information headings:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_description_heading', function($text){
return __('More Information');
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_additional_information_heading', function($text){
return __('Product Data');
The Reviews tab doesn’t have a filter for the heading. There the heading is called “Reviews” for zero reviews and “%number% reviews for %product_name%” for one or more reviews. Maybe you can check with the WooCommerce support team for ideas on how can you change the Reviews tab heading.