I have already tested many things with my quizzes.
I loaded a part of a file to add new questions to an existing quizz, and it worked well.
I also modified things directly inside the database of the server. It’s possible, but more complicated. The questions and answers are all in wp_postmeta and wp_posts tables. If you want to erase entirely a quizz, you must erase in both tables, but there are twice more files in wp_postmeta (answers) than in wp_posts (questions). You can see the “links” between Q and R with “ID”. It’s very delicate to modify the data in wp_postadata because the number of characters is indicated (“s:”) and must be modified if you modify the number of characters in a word or a sentence.
And to make clean work, you must readjust “AUTO_INCREMENT” in both tables (I did it for 1000 Q and R). It’s a clockwork job, but it’s interesting.
It’s necessary to explore behind the scenes of the plugin to be ready to modify small details or to see if something went wrong (partial upload due to a bug of the server for example).
Juste a suggestion to Harmonic Design:
Please, Harmonic Design, could you add a tool (free or paid) to allow to add in a uploadable csv file the URL of a batch of images. For example, if I want to upload 100 images named img1.jpg, img2.jpg… It would be interesting to add directly all the URL in a cvs file to upload all these preloaded images instead of adding the images one by one for each question from the Media Library.