• I’ve seen a number of forum threads and help files on installing WordPress in a sub-directory but I’m having difficulty figuring out how to install it in the root directory but use a different name for index.php (say wp.php). The reason I want to do this is that I have an existing website and index.php that I want to remain the start-up page for my website. (And I’m using plug-ins that require WordPress in the root directory).

    So, how would I name the WordPress index.php home page to wp.php and keep everything working? I tried changing the Blog Address (URL) to my domain name and wp.php (which worked for the homepage but not all of the permalink re-writes). Any insight would be extremely helpful.

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  • Thread Starter johnnyflash


    I’m still having trouble with figuring this out… anyone have any suggestions?

    but use a different name for index.php

    You can not.

    Moshu, let me get this right. You can’t add something to the htaccess to allow wordpress or the server to reroute itself from index.php to wp.php?

    How about using a text replacement tool and hack all the wordpress files to rename index.php to wp.php and then rename index.php to wp.php?

    This should be a standard feature in the settings/reading options.

    Many people have other application that they want to incorporate into their site with site along with wordpress.

    I fixed this issue outside wordpress through my default document settings in my server control panel. But, an option in settings would be great.

    It may prove very complicated, because of the way WP uses the index page.

    However, although you might not be able to stop WP from using index.php, you could – through a set of clever templates – make the index.php a static page which links off to other pages. You can publish a wordpress Page with whatever you like on it, and there should be nothing to stop you from making any number of other pages on your site (called wp.php if you like) that contain your normal blog content. After all that is just choosing what to display in the loop on your template.

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