• Resolved Peter


    Hi Jordy,

    This is how I want to rename the files after uploading them (and in bulk):

    ACF field – Title – ID

    For example:

    I tried to use this code:

    function custom_filter_filename($new, $old, $post) { 
    	$p_id = $post['ID'];
    	$p_title = $post['post_name'];
    	$buy_rent = get_field('buy_rent', $p_id);
    	return $buy_rent.'-'.$p_title.'-'.$p_id.'.jpg';
    add_filter('mfrh_new_filename', 'custom_filter_filename', 10, 3);

    I use the PRO version.

    Best regards,

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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Hi @digitalform,

    This is not working? Sorry, I missed the question ??

    That said, I think this would be better:

    $p_title = $new

    The title will use the new name generated by Media File Renamer, which might be the beautified title of the attached product.

    Thread Starter Peter


    Dear Jordy,

    What is the $new, $old and $post?

    I saw a snipet: $post_date = strtotime( $post['post_date'] );
    I think I can recover the post ID by $post: $p_id = $post['ID'];
    And an ACF field: $buy_rent = get_field('buy_rent', $p_id);

    And from these I want to give a unique file name to the images.


    E.g. sale_property_title_5455.jpg

    Is it possible with the “mfrh_new_filename” hook?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Peter.
    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Yes, it’s exactly how you should do it ??

    $new: the new filename proposed by Media File Renamer (without extension)
    $old: the previous filename (without extension)
    $post: you know, you used it, it’s the object containing the data of the post

    So that should work fine.

    Thread Starter Peter


    Hello Jordy,

    Thanks for the answer.
    But the code below doesn’t work.

    function custom_filter_filename($new, $old, $post) { 
    	$p_id = $post['ID'];
    	$p_title = $post['post_name'];
    	$buy_rent = get_field('buy_rent', $p_id);
    	return $buy_rent.'-'.$p_title.'-'.$p_id.'.jpg';
    add_filter('mfrh_new_filename', 'custom_filter_filename', 10, 3);

    I uploaded a picture. The name is Marbella-Property.jpg.
    The plugin renamed it to: marbella-property.jpg

    But that’s not good. This would be the correct new file name: sale-marbella-property-1458.jpg

    The 1458 is the post ID.

    Is my PHP code wrong?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Where did you add this code? Have you tried using Code Snippets?

    Thread Starter Peter


    Hello Jordy,

    In the functions.php.

    Your tutorial code works:

    // Override the filename naming rules with this filter
    add_filter( 'mfrh_new_filename', 'my_filter_filename', 10, 3 );
    function my_filter_filename( $new, $old, $post ) {
      // Get the date from the $post (which is the media entry) and convert it to a timestamp
      $post_date = strtotime( $post['post_date'] );
      // Make this timestamp to looks like 2018-01-01
      $formatted_date = date('Y-m-d', $post_date);
      // Add this timestamp in front of the filename already decided by Media File Renamer
      $new_filename = $formatted_date . "-" . $new;
      return $new_filename;

    But not mine. ??

    – Peter

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Please try with Code Snippets. Sometimes there are issues of filters being added too early or too late with the functions.php ??

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Also, check your Error Logs, just in case.

    Thread Starter Peter


    Meanwhile, I realized that $post is not the post (property post_type), but the media file. ??
    That’s why it didn’t work.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Please contact me directly: https://meowapps.com/contact. I can make a version that will pass also the related post ??

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