Hello @prash18,
?Thank you for reaching out to support! Yes, you can use something like the below hook to rename fields in Sprout Invoices.
function si_change_strings( $translations, $text, $domain ) {
if ( 'sprout-invoices' === $domain ) {
// Change "QTY"
if ( 'Qty' === strtolower( $text ) ) {
return 'Days';
// add more conditions, changing as many strings as you'd like
return $translations;
add_filter( 'gettext', 'si_change_strings', 10, 3 );
To add a hook you can use a plugin called snippet or you can put this in your active themes functions.php file. By going into your WordPress admin and going to Appearance -> Theme Editor and clicking on theme functions on the right and adding it past the <?php part in that file.
Elana D.