Removing white space caused by hidden groups in mail?
I’m using group tags to hide certain groups in my mail responses and it’s working great, but there seems to be a lot of white space between group sections in the emails that are created. I’m assuming this is because there’s a blank line in the email where a hidden group would’ve been if it wasn’t hidden? Is there any way to remove this white space? I have quite a few groups so some of these chunks of white space are very big and I’m afraid the recipient won’t scroll down far enough to get to the content near the bottom of the email. Thanks!
yes, just make sure that you open groups directly after you closed the previous one.
Like this:
[group-1] some text here [a-field] some more text [/group-1][group-2] .... ... [/group-2][group-3] ... [/group-3]
Good luck!
Thanks for your response; it makes total sense. I’m still having large white spaces, though, after implementing it and I’m not sure why. Here’s my code:
Request Type:[select pick-fields include_blank "Why are you calling my number?" "Stop calling" "I have an attorney" "I have filed bankruptcy" "I have a dispute" "I have a question" "I have a complaint" "I have an issue with making a payment"] [group full-contact-info]<fieldset><legend>Your contact info</legend> First name * [text* firstname] Last name * [text* lastname] If you would prefer to be contacted by email, please provide it below [email email] Phone number [tel phone] Preferred contact method [select preferred_contact_method include_blank "Phone" "Email"] Preferred Contact Time [select preferred_contact_time include_blank "Morning" "Midday" "Afternoon" "Evening"] Address 1 [text address1] Address 2 [text address2] City [text city] State [text state] Zip [text zip]</fieldset>[/group][group name-contact]<fieldset><legend>Your contact info</legend>First name * [text* firstname1] Last name * [text* lastname1]</fieldset>[/group][group attorney-contact]<fieldset><legend>Attorney contact info</legend>First name * [text* attorneyfirstname] Last name * [text* attorneylastname] If you would prefer to be contacted by email, please provide it below [email attorneyemail] Phone number [tel attorneyphone] Preferred contact method [select preferred_contact_method1 include_blank "Phone" "Email"] Preferred Contact Time [select preferred_contact_time1 include_blank "Morning" "Midday" "Afternoon" "Evening"] Address 1 [text attorneyaddress1] Address 2 [text attorneyaddress2] City [text attorneycity] State [text attorneystate] Zip [text attorneyzip]</fieldset>[/group][group basic-info]<fieldset><legend>Your contact info</legend>First name * [text* firstname2] Last name * [text* lastname2] Email * [email* email1] Phone number [tel phone1]</fieldset>[/group][group number-details]<fieldset><legend>Request details</legend>Number we are calling * [tel* number-calling] Details [textarea details]</fieldset>[/group][group email-details]<fieldset><legend>Request details</legend>Number we are calling * [tel* number-calling1] If you would prefer to be contacted by email, please provide it below [email email2] Details [textarea details1]</fieldset>[/group][group account-details]<fieldset><legend>Request details</legend>Account number * [text* account-number] Details [textarea details2]</fieldset>[/group][group bankruptcy-details]<fieldset><legend>Request details</legend>Account number * [text* account-number1] Bankruptcy Case Number [text bankruptcy-case-number] Bankruptcy Filing Date [date bankruptcy-filing-date] Details [textarea details3]</fieldset>[/group][group just-details]<fieldset><legend>Request details</legend>Details * [textarea* details4]</fieldset>[/group] [submit "Submit"]
Any help? Still having this issue. I thought maybe I needed to implement your suggestion in the Message Body area of the Mail tab as well, but that seemed to mess up the code.
it’s about the email right? so please share your email code instead of your form code.
Yes, the large white spaces are in the emails that are generated by the forms.
Here’s my email code. When I tried your suggestion of opening groups directly after I closed the previous one in the mail code, it ends up showing the code in brackets for the code that is being opened.
(I’ve changed my form code quite a bit since my original post, so it won’t quite line up with the new mail code below, but the forms work fine. It’s just the white space in the emails that I’m trying to remove.)
Thank you!
Type of request: "[pick-fields]" [full-contact-info]First name: [firstname] Last name: [lastname] Phone number: [phone] Address 1: [address1] Address 2: [address2] City: [city] State: [state] Zip: [zip][/full-contact-info] [name-contact]First name: [firstname1] Last name: [lastname1] Phone number:[phone2][/name-contact] [attorney-contact]Attorney First name: [attorneyfirstname] Attorney Last name: [attorneylastname] Attorney Email: [attorneyemail] Attorney Phone number: [attorneyphone] Attorney Address 1: [attorneyaddress1] Attorney Address 2: [attorneyaddress2] Attorney City: [attorneycity] Attorney State: [attorneystate] Attorney Zip: [attorneyzip][/attorney-contact] [basic-info]First name: [firstname2] Last name: [lastname2] Email: [email1] Phone number: [phone1][/basic-info] [number-details]Number we are calling: [number-calling] Details: [details][/number-details] [email-details]Number we are calling: [number-calling1] Email: [email2] Details: [details1][/email-details] [account-details]Account number: [account-number] Details: [details2][/account-details] [account-details-req]Account number: [account-number2] I want to dispute the debt because I think: [dispute-reasons] Details: [details3][/account-details-req] [account-details-req2]Account Number: [account-number3] Details: [details4][/account-details-req2] [bankruptcy-details]Account number: [account-number1] Bankruptcy Attorney First Name: [bankruptcyattorney-firstname] Bankruptcy Attorney Last Name: [bankruptcyattorney-lastname] Bankruptcy Attorney Phone Number: [bankruptcyattorney-phone] Bankruptcy Case Number: [bankruptcy-case-number] Bankruptcy Filing Date: [bankruptcy-filing-date] Details: [details5][/bankruptcy-details] [just-details]Details: [details5][/just-details] -- This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Qualia Collection Services (
well, in the email field, you just need to make sure that there is no whitespace before opening a group and no whitespace after closing it
Hmm, doesn’t seem to be working. The only difference between my previous code this is that I’ve removed the white space after closing a group and opening a new one.
Type of request: "[pick-fields]" [full-contact-info]First name: [firstname] Last name: [lastname] Phone number: [phone] Address 1: [address1] Address 2: [address2] City: [city] State: [state] Zip: [zip][/full-contact-info][name-contact]First name: [firstname1] Last name: [lastname1] Phone number:[phone2][/name-contact][attorney-contact]Attorney First name: [attorneyfirstname] Attorney Last name: [attorneylastname] Attorney Email: [attorneyemail] Attorney Phone number: [attorneyphone] Attorney Address 1: [attorneyaddress1] Attorney Address 2: [attorneyaddress2] Attorney City: [attorneycity] Attorney State: [attorneystate] Attorney Zip: [attorneyzip][/attorney-contact][basic-info]First name: [firstname2] Last name: [lastname2] Email: [email1] Phone number: [phone1][/basic-info][number-details]Number we are calling: [number-calling] Details: [details][/number-details][email-details]Number we are calling: [number-calling1] Email: [email2] Details: [details1][/email-details][account-details]Account number: [account-number] Details: [details2][/account-details][account-details-req]Account number: [account-number2] I want to dispute the debt because I think: [dispute-reasons] Details: [details3][/account-details-req][account-details-req2]Account Number: [account-number3] Details: [details4][/account-details-req2][bankruptcy-details]Account number: [account-number1] Bankruptcy Attorney First Name: [bankruptcyattorney-firstname] Bankruptcy Attorney Last Name: [bankruptcyattorney-lastname] Bankruptcy Attorney Phone Number: [bankruptcyattorney-phone] Bankruptcy Case Number: [bankruptcy-case-number] Bankruptcy Filing Date: [bankruptcy-filing-date] Details: [details5][/bankruptcy-details][just-details]Details: [details5][/just-details] -- This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Qualia Collection Services (
And the corresponding email now has white space AND code in it:
Type of request: "I have filed bankruptcy" First name: Sara Last name: Holt Phone number: 707-888-8888 Address 1: 738 Dexter Street City: Santa Rosa State: CA Zip: 95404[name-contact]First name: Details: [/account-details-req2][bankruptcy-details]Account number: 4564654 Bankruptcy Attorney First Name: Sara Bankruptcy Attorney Last Name: Holt Bankruptcy Attorney Phone Number: 707-888-8888 Bankruptcy Case Number: 154645646 Bankruptcy Filing Date: 2018-02-15
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
The quote above doesn’t know white space, but in the email there are about 20 lines of white space between “First name:” and “Details:”
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
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