CSS is used to style each and every element in the page #sidebar is an “id selector” the properties below that selector are styling your entire sidebar area. For instance if you add
to the section #sidebar you will see the area effected by the change.
“#sidebar a” is referring to the html tag “a” (anchor) inside of the area “sidebar”. This is how you change the “a” tags in the sidebar without effecting the rest of the “a” tags on the page.
Try adding
`border:thin black solid;’
to the “#sidebar a” selector and see how it changes. Borders can help you see what area you are actually changing.
The best way to troubleshoot a WordPress style.css file is to use firebug for firefox. You load your page and hit f1. then click the button that looks like the mouse arrow over a blue rectangle. Now as you move the mouse around the page you will see all kinds of page info below, including the style selectors and what line their on in the style sheet. Read Here.
CSS is a bit confusing if you haven’t written some and broken a lot.
Try this tutorial and then begin making changes to the style sheet to see what they do.
See the W3schools for css selectors and declarations. and further explanation.
I hope some of this helps,