• Hello wordpressers.
    this is my first post here since I started yesterday with my first web site in wordpress.

    I am looking on making a simple web page for announcing my public singing concerts that would not look like a blog but as a normal web page.

    1. I am trying to remove the date of the posts I make on my page since these might confuse some with the date of the event. I have found
    some stylesheets on the google to apply but they did not work. I am not sure if for this kind of feature one has to pay or is it still for free.

    2. Since I would be only announcing my public performances it would be nice if I can have a small widget at the right of at the left that would only show the title of the event as a link, that it would get you to the event description

    3. Is it possible to customize font size in a title. One of my events is fully booked and thus I added the work booked at the end. I wish I could change the font size of the booked to be somehow smaller than the other words of the title. Is this possible too?

    I would like to thank you in advance for your reply


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  • have you ever thought about dropping a link to your site and/or your theme name if available in www.remarpro.com themes directory ?
    you will need to first create a child theme then to hide post time either do it easy way with CSS ( display: none; ) but we need links so we know what class name or id it has.. or get rid of post date tag in content-single.php as you create new child theme..
    we are waiting on you to give a link to your site and/or theme..

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