• Hello!

    Loving the theme, but is there a way to make the comment counter go away?
    I tried adding

    .comments-link {
    display: none;

    but no luck.

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  • You will need to edit template-tags.php. Back this file up first! If you make a tiny mistake, or I am wrong, your site will not be accessible – at all. This includes the WordPress admin pages. The file is located at /wp-content/themes/nisarg/inc/.

    Make sure you can download/upload the files with an SFTP client, or you can edit it with your web host’s portal. You have to be 100% sure you can update this file outside of the WordPress editor. If my recommendation is wrong, or you make a mistake, you need to restore the original file. Again, making a mistake will render your site inaccessible. PROCEED WITH CAUTION!

    I looked at this quick, so I may be removing more than what is needed. Perhaps someone else can correct me if I removed too much code.

    I commented out the below section to remove the comment count. This is done by adding the “/*” and “*/” to the below code block that already exists in template-tags.php.

    /*	if(comments_open()){
    		printf(' <i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span> ',_x( 'Comments', 'Used before post author name.', 'nisarg' ));
    		comments_popup_link( __('0 Comment','nisarg'), __('1 comment','nisarg'), __('% comments','nisarg'), 'comments-link', '');
    	} */
    Thread Starter laurabuu


    Thank you, Michael!

    Just did it. Worked very well ??

    My page is just the way I want now. BEST DAY EVER <3

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