This is actually tricky with the Inkblot theme. Normally, you want to make any modifications in a child theme, but child themes are a little more tricky with Inkblot. (See here: Inkblot Github).
If you create a child theme, you’ll need to create a new function to call instead of inkblot_post_meta
(found in tags.php). In that function, you need leave out the ‘get_the_tag_list’ function (commented out below) and change the first line of $meta
$meta = sprintf( __( 'Published%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s<span class="post-actions">%5$s</span>', 'inkblot' ),
$meta = sprintf( __( 'Published%1$s%2$s%3$s<span class="post-actions">%4$s</span>', 'inkblot' ),
Here’s the last twelve lines of the edited function in full:
else {
$meta = sprintf( __( 'Published%1$s%2$s%3$s<span class="post-actions">%4$s</span>', 'inkblot' ),
get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'category', __( ' in ', 'inkblot' ), __( ', ', 'inkblot' ) ),
//get_the_tag_list( __( ' and tagged ', 'inkblot' ), __( ', ', 'inkblot' ) ),
return $meta;
If you use a child theme, just make sure the new function is called on line 49 of content.php.
Let me know if you have any questions.