• Resolved esserd


    I would like to remove the Meta, Archive and Blogroll items from my iNove sidebar. Oddly, these are widgets, but they are not selected on my widget page. If I were to select, for example, Archives from my widgets page I’d end up with two Archives on my sidebar. I could then deselect the Archive widget, but I’d still be left with the one that was already there.

    I went into my Sidebar.php file but I don’t fully understand php and was unable to intuit what I needed to change.

    Any help will be greatly, indeed massively, appreciated.

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  • Hi, esserd.

    There are 4 sidebars.
    North sidebar: Recent Posts, WP-RecentComments, Tag Cloud
    South sidebar: Meta
    West sidebar: Archives
    East sidebar: Categories

    For example, if you want to remove Categories widget:
    1. Goto Theme Widgets page.
    2. Select east_sidebar as Current Widgets.
    3. Remove widget and save change.

    Thread Starter esserd



    Thank you for the speedy reply.

    Unfortunately when I change my widgets to east, south, or west I don’t show any widgets selected.

    Incidentally, when I go to south_sidebar, I can select “Meta.” when I do that, I get a slightly more involved “Meta” section (a couple more links). But then when I remove the widget, I still get the default, smaller version of “Meta.” So these look to me to be two different things.

    I have not studied PHP (yet), but am not totally clueless around code. If anyone could point me in the right direction about where I might go to remove that I code I’d be happy to take a shot at that.

    Thanks everyone.

    Thread Starter esserd


    Just solved it.

    It is true that these default settings do not show up in widgets when you select the appropriate sidebar. However, it is simple enough to go into the sidebar.php file, find “archives” “categories” etc and delete out the section between the <div> …appropriate code… </div>.

    Is there a way to shift the RSS feed from top place without hacking the code?

    I’m looking for the same thing…

    I’m trying to get rid of the RSS Feed widget on the top of the side bar but when I take it out the drop down menu (main menu) doesn’t work anymore.

    I can’t seem to figure out how a code in the side bar can influence the main menu, but i’m not an expert so any help would be great ??


    Me too! Exactly the same prob. Sad, because the theme is a really nice one.


    How can you design a page template without a sidebar? I cannot find a solution for this theme.

    Can someone provide the code for a clean sidebar for inove? I would rather just add the widgets i’m looking for.

    Here is the “clean” sidebar.php for iNove:

    $options = get_option(‘inove_options’);

    if($options[‘feed’] && $options[‘feed_url’]) {
    if (substr(strtoupper($options[‘feed_url’]), 0, 7) == ‘https://&#8217;) {
    $feed = $options[‘feed_url’];
    } else {
    $feed = ‘https://&#8217; . $options[‘feed_url’];
    } else {
    $feed = get_bloginfo(‘rss2_url’);

    <!– sidebar START –>
    <div id=”sidebar”>

    <!– sidebar north START –>
    <div id=”northsidebar” class=”sidebar”>

    <!– feeds –>

    <!– showcase –>

    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘north_sidebar’) ) : ?>

    <!– posts –>

    <!– recent comments –>

    <!– tag cloud –>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <!– sidebar north END –>

    <div id=”centersidebar”>

    <!– sidebar east START –>
    <div id=”eastsidebar” class=”sidebar”>
    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘east_sidebar’) ) : ?>

    <!– categories –>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <!– sidebar east END –>

    <!– sidebar west START –>
    <div id=”westsidebar” class=”sidebar”>
    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘west_sidebar’) ) : ?>

    <!– blogroll –>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <!– sidebar west END –>
    <div class=”fixed”></div>

    <!– sidebar south START –>
    <div id=”southsidebar” class=”sidebar”>
    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘south_sidebar’) ) : ?>

    <!– archives –>

    <!– meta –>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <!– sidebar south END –>

    <!– sidebar END –>

    thanks for the help. i’ll be putting that sidebar code to use.a


    Thanks for this.

    I have found that once you have edited the code as above, the site doesn’t seem to display correctly in firefox and google chrome though.

    I just tried again and your edited code works great!

    I wish they would just remove the east, west and south sidebars and just have 1

    I agree but the above code works well.

    I love you Deltahope, you just saved me so much time!!
    Thank you.

    Oops, it does mess up the display in other browsers, drat…

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