• Resolved stevegossett64


    I maintain a website for a homeowners association which uses Twitter as a notification tool only without the expectations of anyone tweeting back so they don’t need the Reply, Retweet, Favorite on each post. Unless I have missed something to better accomplish this I modified the list.php and removed the following block of code:

    <a class="kreply" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Reply', 'kebo_twitter'); ?>" href="<?php echo esc_url( 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?in_reply_to=' . $tweet_id ); ?>"></a>

    <a class="kretweet" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Re-Tweet', 'kebo_twitter'); ?>" href="<?php echo esc_url( 'https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=' . $tweet_id ); ?>"></a>

    <a class="kfavorite" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Favorite', 'kebo_twitter'); ?>" href="<?php echo esc_url( 'https://twitter.com/intent/favorite?tweet_id=' . $tweet_id ); ?>"></a>

    As a suggestion, it would be nice to have expanded footer settings to be able to disable these but by choices, perhaps a checkbox per each option. As an example, perhaps someone may only want to allow Favorite to appear and not all three options.

    Otherwise I think this is one of the easiest no nonsense plugins available. Thank you Peter!


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  • Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi Steve,

    I have been working on more advanced control over the display of the plugin for a while, but have been holding off until WP 3.9 arrived (to give me an opportunity to see how widgets would work in the Customizer).

    Thank you for explaining your use case, it really helps to understand where users are coming from.

    I think there are various options for how I could give you control over this. Would having them hidden by default and only visible on hover be fine, or would it be better to be able to remove them completely?

    Thank you for the support and for letting me know about your experience with the plugin so that I can improve it, it is appreciated.

    Thread Starter stevegossett64


    I do web QA so my perspective is that the expected use-case would be that the controls are present by default and then offer control over hiding, although I guess the term hiding can be synonymous with remove. Not a large user base is going to use the plugin on a homeowners association website but the parameter options would be helpful.

    My use-case is using the plugin similar to what a college or school might for notification only for posting to an area of the main website with no expectation of anyone replying, merely viewing. On Twitters end I have the Twitter account set to private which also enforces that no one can automatically Follow and tweet or re-tweet. If you feel inclined you can view the simple post notification I have it set up for at https://www.themeridianofpasadena.org/wordpress/.

    Again thanks for the time you put in on your plugin.


    Thread Starter stevegossett64



    I think another great suggestion is adding a field to modify the data-timeout (in the slider.php) without having to directly modify the code through the editor in WordPress. By default it is set to 10 seconds when in slider mode to transition between tweets.


    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your responses and sorry for the slow reply, I tried to force myself away from the computer this Easter weekend.

    Seeing how you are using the Twitter Feed is really useful and I will be adding a set of radio buttons to allow control over whether the Intent links are visible (default), visible on hover or removed.

    Control over the slide timer should clearly be under user control, it already uses a data attribute so it would not be any effort to turn it into an option.

    I will work on an update for these and a few other small tweaks today and tomorrow, I will let you know once the update it out. Thank you again for taking the time to help me improve the plugin.

    Another usage example…
    I’m the webmaster for my golf club alresfordgolf.co.uk and have been looking for a way of easily allowing the greens staff to update a short message with the current status of the course. E.g. “The course is open – no restrictions”, “The course is closed due to fog”, “The course is open – no buggies” etc. etc.
    I don’t need or want any other buttons.

    Before likely settling on Twitter, I tested adding posts via email and allowing restricted access to just edit one post. Twitter has the wide device support and simple message format that looks the most promising.

    Just a little addendum – it was easy to remove the buttons via CSS:

    .kfooter {
    display: none;

    But an option to not display them would be cleaner.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi OldClicker,

    Thank you for explaining your use case and good job on the quick fix yourself!

    The latest update (1.5.0) adds an option for showing the Intent links in the Widget and Shortcode. Currently it just adds them to the page or doesn’t. In the future I will add support for showing on hover too.

    If you have any problems with this let me know.

    Hi Peter
    Thanks for the rapid update – works fine for me. Just what was needed. Tried it on my test site alresfordgolftest.co.uk – great plugin for those of us that just want to display tweets without any complex integration.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi OldClicker,

    That is fantastic, thank you very much for letting me know!

    Thread Starter stevegossett64


    Yes thanks for the update Peter. Much welcomed.


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