Yes, having a page for each location is not a good idea, since you offer the same things in the same way, so basically just the location is different on every page.
You should make a main services page and there write all the locations that you’re available in. In this way, you won’t have duplicate content issues and the locations will contribute to your page’s main keyword as well (e.g. Refrigerator repair in Des Plaines – both will be found on the services page).
Of course, you’ll need some link building too start ranking well on different keywords.
1) You should perform a 301 redirect from those duplicate pages to your main services page. In that way, you won’t end up with 404 errors, the users will be directed to an actual existing page, and in case you have some backlinks to those pages, it will pass some link “juice” too.
I recommend using the Redirection plugin for this –
In time, Google will learn that the pages have moved permanently, and it won’t show them anymore.
If you still wish to remove them from Google completely, and not redirect them, then you should add noindex, follow
to them, or even noindex, nofollow
I recommend Yoast for this – It helps a lot with SEO and other important things. It’s a must-have plugin.
In every page, in the Yoast box, go to the Advanced tab and choose noindex and follow or nofollow.
It’s a bit complex to set up, so you might want to search for some guides or check Yoast’s knowledge base.
The only alternative I found that’s not seriously outdated is this – It only takes care of that problem.
2) It’s not necessary.
]]>ok, so ill just redirect the town pages to one of the four county pages. Then I wont have to worry about private pages or deleting anything.
I already have yoast, so that wont be a problem either.
]]>You can keep the four county pages, because the towns in them will differ, but make sure that the rest of the content differs too, otherwise you’ll pretty much end up in the same situation.
Then redirect each town page to its proper county.