Hi there,
Your site is hosted over at WordPress.com while these forums are intended for folks who are hosting their site elsewhere and running on the free software available here at www.remarpro.com.
(If you’re unsure on the differences between WordPress.com and www.remarpro.com then this guide gives a good overview.)
I will go through to answer each of your questions on these forums, however, please contact WordPress.com staff directly with any extra questions. As a paid user, you have direct access to live chat support here:
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How do I get rid of the icons, which when you hover over them say the pages, on the left side of my homepage menu to the right of the site name?
Navigate to the Menus panel in the WordPress.com Customizer and then navigate to your Primary menu.
Under “Menu locations,” you’ll find that the box next to ” Social Links Menu” has been checked. The social links menu is intended for links to your various social profiles, which will display as icons.
As the social links menu is not intended for standard links to different pages on your site, uncheck the box under “Menu locations” and save your changes to remove the “broken” icons in the upper left of your page.