ok, I’m going to give another try see if can solve this, I’ve done programming in the past but none css, and what is more frustrating is that in my opinion the designer of this theme did a poor job at commenting the css file or is just me that I’m new to wordpress and css
anyhow if some one could tell me in this file what section is doing what I have a better change like what part of the code is for the left sidebar and so forth
Theme Name: RedWave
Theme URI: https://www.askgraphics.com/freetemplates/
Description: Custom blog design starts from just $250 @ <a href="https://www.askgraphics.com/blog-design.html">AskGraphics.com</a>.
Version: 1.0
Author: AskGraphics
Author URI: https://www.askgraphics.com/
[Moderated: Too much code. Please consider placing the code in a text file on your site with a link here -or- use a pastebin service such as https://wordpress.pastebin.ca. Thanks!]