• HI Anyone:

    Can you answer this question?:

    I went to my WordPress Dashboard last week, and added some images from the internet (pictures of bass fish, free downloads that don’t have any copyrights on them).

    If you go to https://www.bigger-bass-e-book.com/blog, you will see that there are 2 pictures at the top which I removed, but they still have the blank box with the first one saying “Hooking a Bass Fish,” and the second one saying “Bass Fish Swimming.”

    What I did to Delete these is to go to my WordPress Dashboard, went to Manage tab, and then went to Uploads under this tab, and clicked on the images (I had three) one at a time, and then chose Delete for each one.

    I then went back to my View Site, and got these blank boxes at the top. Is there anyway to remove these so that I can get the text questions at the top like I had before I put these pictures in.

    What I wanted to do was to have a background image of a bass fish or fishes or someone fishing for this page, rather than just the white background.

    I typed in a Google Search, free background or wallpaper pictures of fishing, free background images or wallpaper of fishing, and I guess that a background will only work on a WordPress Page if I upgrade to the Custom CSS Upgrade (information on this at the FAQ Section at https://faq.wordpress.com/).

    I even went to the View Site Tab at https://bigger-bass-e-book.com/blog/wp-admin/ and tried to choose Edit for each picture (where it says Posted in Fishing Tips / Edit No Comments below each of the two pictures at the top.

    I chose the Edit choice, then went into the Code Tab, and highlighted the Code and hit the Delete Key on my computer keyboard, then chose Save and then the Publish button, but I still get the pictures anyway at the top.

    This is such a user-unfriendly program (WordPress) – UGH, UGH, UGH!!! I know it is WYSIWYG Program, but for goodness sakes, why is it so hard to even get these images removed?

    Jon Lutz says: Do you know a way to get a background image or wallpaper into one of these pages without getting the Custom CSS Upgrade? If not, do you know how much this upgrade is? I cannot seem to find the price anywhere?

    Can anyone send me an Email to [email protected] answering this question, or tell me how to find it on this Forum, under the topic I put it in, How-to and Troubleshooting?

    Thank you,

    Jon Lutz
    Promoter Power LLC

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  • Jon,

    Deleting the images won’t do anything if you’ve made posts already. What you need to do if I’m understanding you right and you want to get rid of :

    “November 10th, 2007

    Hooking a Bass Fish

    Posted in Fishing Tips | No Comments ?
    November 10th, 2007

    Bass Fish Swimming

    Posted in Fishing Tips | No Comments ?”

    is login to your WP-Admin and go to manage–>posts–>delete whichever post(s) you are trying to get rid of.

    Your other question for the background wallpaper would involve you finding your CSS file.

    Yours is located at:


    to add a background image to that you would need to find whatever “div” you want to have the background include in (probably body), and add:

    background: url (image link);
    background-repeat: repeat;

    to make it look something exactly like :

    body {
    background: url(image-link.jpg);
    background-repeat: repeat;

    Hope this helps some. I would suggest reading over the Word Press documentation before continuing further.


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