This is a bit terrifying to hear.
But probably not that hard to fix.
I’ve checked a couple of your other posts, so I’m assuming you can do a bit of code. apologies if this gets to technical.
And please let me know if it is technical. And we will try another way to help.
The theory
What probably is going on is a other plugin or theme is saving the DFI image id in post meta (meta_key:_thumbnail_id).
Can you confirm this by running the following query?
WHERE meta_key
= '_thumbnail_id' AND meta_value
= 777;
Replace 777 with the DFI image id. And you probably have a different prefix than wp_
on your postmeta table.
If you get a bunch of results. Then this theory is correct.
The easy fix
If this is the case you can easily delete these by running:
? Always create a backup of the database before editing mysql?
DELETE FROM wp_postmeta
meta_key= '_thumbnail_id' AND
meta_value` = 777;
Again, replace the 777 and the prefix.
Finding the source of the problem
Does the DFI show on new posts (with the plugin enabled)?
And how does it show with the plugin disabled?
Can you test this with Divi and an other theme?
Let me know how it goes.
And also let me know if this is to difficult.