• Resolved kayinmaine


    I love the look of the PressPlay theme, but I’d like to do away with the large list of categories at the top of the page under the blog title (my blog: https://whitenoiseinsanity.com/). What do I have to do in the editor to either remove that section entirely or to reduce the number of categories down to only a handful? Would love to know! ??

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  • plugin
    pick and choose ones you want displayed if any

    open theme’s index.php and amend or remove category code

    wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>

    should look similar
    you can exclude categories by ID, like

    wp_list_categories('exclude=4,7&title_li='); ?>

    replace with your actual category ID’s

    Thread Starter kayinmaine


    Oh thank you!!!! I appreciate your help. ??

    Thread Starter kayinmaine


    Okay, I originally called this resolved when it’s not. ?? Here’s the code I have in index.php:

    [code redacted]
    What code would I remove from here? I'm too nervous to delete anything at this point! ??

    I’m sorry, I told you the wrong file.
    It’s the theme’s header.php

    Thread Starter kayinmaine


    Oh. LOL I’ll try that! Thanks. ??

    Thread Starter kayinmaine


    Thank you! It worked. I removed this code from the header.php:

    <ul id=”category-list”>
    <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=’); ?>
    <!– #category-list –>

    Okay, now this issue is resolved! Thanks so much Samboll.

    For future reference:

    I got asked this all the time, so version 2.1 of this theme (out today) provides theme options which let you hide the list, or replace it with the Pages list.

    I can see the theme options…
    However, I have a similar problem: Is it possible to have a different menu instead of these 3 choices (list of Pages/list of Categories/Display nothing)? I mean, a custom menu with some links to articles, some links to pages, external, etc?

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