The borders on each post in your theme are made up of nine separate images in empty divs with fixed heights and widths.
Each entry (post) consists of these nine empty divs followed by the content.
You will need to find out in your theme’s template code, for the types of displays you are interested in, where and how the theme identifies the ‘special’ blocks (navigation, author archive, older posts) in order to output their special content.
I could only work out how to navigate to the front page and the single page display, but it’s pretty clear what the author archive is. So I guess you are interested in the templates for:
- Front page
- Single page
- Archive list
The files you need to look at will depend on your theme. For example, at one end of the spectrum everything could be in index.php. At the other end, the loop for each of these types could be in a different template file, such as front-page.php, single.php and, I guess, category.php. Or in some themes, the loop code is extracted and put in its own file, usually called loop.php. You’ll have to hunt through your theme’s template files to find out.
Once you have identified the templates you need to alter, you will have to examine the code to find out how the theme is identifying these special outputs (‘Older entries’, ‘Author archive’, ‘Post navigations’). Once you have found that code, you will need to suppress the output of the empty divs with the background images for just these blocks.
Without examining the code at some length, I can’t tell exactly how this works at the moment, but I would imagine that the developer is assuming that all the blocks on the page will have these background images. That being the case, the empty divs with the images will almost certainly be output before any test is made to determine if this is an ‘Older entries’ block, for example, or a navigation block. So, and assuming that’s correct, you will have to make some changes to the logic of the code to make sure that a test is performed before displaying the empty divs to determine if a ‘special’ block is being output that needs the images suppressing.
I would recommend strongly that if you are going to make radical changes like these to your theme that you make them in a Child Theme. Child themes take about five minutes to create and can save you a lot of grief later on. If nothing else, they allow you to have all your changes in one place.
Good luck.