• I am using the Highwind theme, and I have to agree, it’s awesome.
    I would like to remove the author, categories and tags from showing on my home page.I would like to show comments only.Please help:)

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  • I would like to know how to do this as well :/

    I want to remove author, category and tags from the homepage and only show it in the post page.

    the same problem!

    function highwind_post_meta (framework/highwind-template.php) prints out this data.

    copy this to your function.php (without the starting ‘if ( ! function_exists( ‘highwind_post_meta’ ) ) {‘) and fit it to your needs.
    this overrides framework/highwind-template.php

    You can also create a child theme, and then in your style.css hide things from display…

    li.comment, li.author, li.categories { display: none; }

    That’s true. But there may be reasons not only to hide them but totally remove them.
    Only hide with css still keeps it at the source code.

    btw here’s a better example of the code that should be insert into functions.php. Just remove whatever you don’t want to appear.

    function highwind_post_meta() {
    if ( ! is_page() ) {
    <aside class="post-meta">
    <li class="categories"><?php the_category( ', ' ); ?></li>
    <li class="comment"><?php comments_popup_link( __( '0 Comments', 'highwind' ), __( '1 Comment', 'highwind' ), __( '% Comments', 'highwind' ) ); ?></li>
    <?php the_tags( '<li class="tags">', ', ','</li>' ); ?>
    <?php if ( apply_filters( 'highwind_meta_author', true ) ) { ?>
    <li class="author"><?php if ( apply_filters( 'highwind_meta_author_link', true ) ) { the_author_posts_link(); } else { the_author(); } ?></li>
    <?php } // endif ?>
    </aside><!-- /.post-meta -->
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