The author and category designation follow every post (not page), the posts are on the main page, which holds the blog roll. Right now it’s not a static main page. I haven’t solved this, yet, but I think I understand the path I need to follow, just haven’t had time to explore that line of thinking and completely digest the concept yet.
I mean for this to be more of a traditional web site, rather than a blog site. The blog roll format serves pretty well for the news updates for our library. I like having the blog/news widget appearing on other pages. However, I would like to put a title in front of that section so our users know what they are looking at. I tried creating a page today called “main” and setting it as both static and blog page, and the wordpress editor warned me not to do that. Not sure why.
Thanks for the lead on how to tweek the header image display. Was thinking tossing the search widget up top might mess with the responsiveness of the theme, and I don’t want to do that. I can always just give in prominence where it is.
The rough spots in the site will all take me a bit to smooth out as I am just learning, but all your input at last gets me headed in the right direction. So thank you.