• Hi WordPress community!

    I’ve never had to ask a question before, but i have something im really stuck on! I run a website which displays properties (real-estate) as posts. Automatically overnight the posts update using wp-all-import.


    When i delete all the posts within WordPress, if i look in the wp_posts table in phpmyadmin the posts are still there. I have tried flushing the wp_posts table, but i lose all my pages, menus and contactforms too, and its a huge table! Ive deleted all the revisions too within wordrpess and emptied trash, but the posts still exist in phpmyadmin.


    Does anyone have a way for me to remove the records of any old post from the database? ive tried a few differernt plugins for cleaning the database but none have worked.

    Any guidance here is greatly appreciated, thank you

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  • Thread Starter jamesfawcett


    This was the reply from Sofly who created the plugin wp-all-import, they have been more than helpful, fantastic support! If anyone can help me clear the posts table as he mentions that would be great, here is Soflys message:

    This is indeed a strange one, but I think that I know what is happening. Check the attached screenshot. It is a section of the history log for the import on your server. It shows that the matched Post ID for the Mornington road listing is 670, however the actual ID of the published Mornington Road listing is ID 989980.

    It appearst that the import is matching an older version of that post that may still live on the database and so images are attached to that version, and not the currently published one. I would suggest you clear out the posts table of your database and get a clean start on your data, that way you can be sure that the data is imported correctly and there is no legacy data lying around.

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