• Resolved KL


    remove_action( “wp_login”, “sucuriscan_set_lastlogin”);

    Needs to be added in the plugin and called when the plugin is deactivated. If I change my db prefix and try to login as admin I can no longer access the dashboard. When I deactivate the plugin, this still happens since I am still re-directed to the sucuri login.


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  • You are wrong. That function “sucuriscan_set_lastlogin” is not used to execute the redirection so there is no point to add that code during the deactivation of the plugin, it will do nothing to stop the redirection because the redirection is handled by another function that is not executed if the plugin is not active.

    There is only one redirection in the whole plugin, and this can be easily disabled using one of the options available in the settings page. The option is named “Allow redirection after login to report the last-login information” and is located in the “Alert Settings” panel.

    The function that is being executed when this option is enabled is named “sucuriscan_login_redirect” which is triggered when WordPress fires the “login_redirect” action, in case that you want to check the code.

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