• Hi,

    Newbie here. I am in the process of creating a Blog using the Dyad 2 theme. On the mobile version there is a huge amount of whitespace between the header and the grey-line/yellow-icon and the text. Could anyone help with reducing this please? I found a similar problem on the desktop version but found CSS to fix that.

    The pages are adamcarter.us/about and adamcarter.us/contact

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Try adding this via Additional CSS in your Customizer:

    .is-singular:not(.home):not(.single-format-image) .entry-inner, .is-singular:not(.home).single-format-image:not(.has-post-thumbnail) .entry-inner, .is-singular:not(.home).page-template-eventbrite-index .content-area {
    		margin: auto;
    Thread Starter shuriway


    I had to remove the original customized css which worked on the desktop as it moved the line and icon even higher, It looks much better on the desktop. The mobile view has improved slightly. Can we go any higher with it?

    Thank you for your help James.


    Moderator James Huff


    Yes, instead of auto adjust that to negative or positive pixel values.

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