Hi Vas,
you have to understand the watermark process. the plugin insert the watermark in your pictures. your watermarked pictures are independent of the plugin. this mean: uninstalling of the plugin will not remove the watermarks from your pictures.
What now?
- if you use watermark-dir – this mean, if you watermark your picture which are already on your server, not during the upload – and the “Create bakup (.bak) from each file?” function was activated. In this case the plugin will create a copy of each file and save the original with a .bak-suffix in your upload directory before the files will be watermarked. So you simply need to delete the .bak-suffix to get the original files. To do this, you can use the Freeware “Bulk Rename Utility” – https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk
- othercase – i hope you have a backup of your pictures.
I hope this answer will help you.
Best wishes,