Assuming you are using the current 2.0.3 version, you can remove these fields only by editing the order-handler.php file of your pluign.
You need to make the modifications in the function named star_cloudprnt_print_receipt_header() (which should be around line 218, unless you have any existing local modifications).
To remove the order status, find the line (should be at line 268):
$pw("Order Status: ".$order->get_status());
and just comment it out:
// $pw("Order Status: ".$order->get_status());
Then to remove the shipping method, find the block (should begin at line 273):
if (isset($shipping_items['name']))
$pw("Shipping Method: ".$shipping_items['name']);
and comment it all out:
//if (isset($shipping_items['name']))
// $pw("Shipping Method: ".$shipping_items['name']);
Please be aware that if you are not using 2.0.3, or have some local modifications then the line numbers I gave are probably not accurate. Also, if you update the plugin then these changes will be undone and will need to be recreated (probably in a different way). So if you do update the plugin, then please keep a copy of the 2.0.3 version so that you can easily roll back.