• Hi,

    I would like to remove the text in the slider completely. There are only the images are displayed. Does anyone have any idea how I have to do that?


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  • go to ” wordpress\wp-content\themes\klasik\slider.php”

    and wrap this portion of code into comments, Thats all.

    $output .='<div class="camera_caption '. KLASIK_SLIDERTEXTEFFECT .'">';
    								$output  .='<div class="slider-title-wrap">';
    											$output  .='<div class="postcategory">'. get_the_category_list(' ') .'</div><div class="clear"></div>';
    											if($cf_slideurl!="" && !$cf_disablelink){
    												$output .='<div class="slider-title"><span><a href="'.$cf_slideurl.'">' . get_the_title() . '</a></span></div>';
    												$output .='<div class="slider-title"><span>' . get_the_title() . '</span></div>';
    												$output .='<div class="slider-subtitle "><span>' . $cf_subtitle . '</span></div>';
    										$output  .='</div>';
    											$output .='<div class="slider-desc"><span>';
    											$output .= get_the_excerpt();
    											$output .='</span></div>';
    										$output .= '<a href="'.$cf_slideurl.'" class="slider-button "><span>'.__( 'Read More', 'klasik' ).'</span></a>';
    									$output .='</div>';
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