Thanks for the quick reply – I’ve checked the template and can’t see any reference to the tag, this is the template I’m using…
<!--link:start--><div class="mylinks_container"><div class="mylinks_left">{image}</div><div class="mylinks_right"><b>{link_name}</b><br><br>{link_description}<br><br><a href="{link_url}" target="_blank">{link_url}</a></div></div><!--link:stop-->
The code tag is being inserted directly after the divs so that its being shown in the browser as…
<!--link:start--><div class="mylinks_container"><div class="mylinks_left"><code>{image}</code></div><div class="mylinks_right"><code><b>{link_name}</b></p>
<p><a href="{link_url}">{link_url}</a></code></div></div><!--link:stop-->
In all fairness it’s not a major issue, it would just be nice to keep the styling of the links page consistent with the rest of the site.
*edit* Having a few probs copying the code across but think / hope its displayed well enough to make sense.
Thanks again