• Hi, on the event submission form, when a user adds a location, I would like to remove the ‘auto suggest’ that brings up a previously created location. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

    Reason: (in case anyone knows of a better way to achieve what I need?) – I want to disable location pages but when I disable locations the facility to add address data (and thus geo-location an event) will no longer be present in the event submission form. I don’t want to lose the option to attribute an address to an event, and then allow for a search using that address within my site.

    In other detail in case it’s useful ??
    – All events at the site in question will be added via the front end.
    – Event listers will be either venues with multiple events, or those with events who don’t manage venues, and whose events may take place at multiple venues.

    I would like users who list events to have just one page via which to manage their event (edit events) but easily be able to change where their event is located, too, preferably also at this page.

    So far I’m exploring this idea unless there’s a better way:

    – Removing chance for users to interact with others’ location pages. (Hence removing auto suggest as above, in event submission form).
    – I would then just present in my site only event pages, not location pages.
    – Remove all evidence of location page, including link on text in single event.
    – Either incorporate facility for lister to edit location via ‘edit event’ form if possible (use ‘Geo for WP’ to add geo data to post? Or similar?)
    – ORRR still allow user to edit event locations via WP-Events even though location pages will be hidden everywhere else. (That ideas’s untidy as a solution – I would need to strip out most options in ‘edit locations’ as they’ll be irrelevant since no location page will ever be displayed, so I will just need title and address. Also listers with multiple events at different venues would have to manage a separate event page and location page for every event, where if I included info into event it could be done at edit event only).

    I’m trying to find a way to have:
    Event posts searchable via addresses as per Google Maps’ instead of
    Event posts attributed to location pages, as that leaves too much opportunity for duplicate locations, which I’d then have to hunt out, so as to remove and re-attribute the events. Due to the nature of my site it would not be feasible to manage it and it will leave an untidy user experience.

    All help and ideas appreciated!

    Many thanks

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  • Thread Starter Kir 2012


    ‘Where’ appears in ‘edit event’ page so I reckon it seems like the plan above should work fine if we remove auto suggest in the forms.

    That way a user can just ‘reset’ the ‘where’ in ‘edit event’ if it’s not the right location any more, and add a new location…


    Just to clarify something: is this for the front-end event submission process or within WordPress admin?

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi, via front end

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hey there, just following up on this, if you could point me in the right direction of disabling the auto-suggest that would be great.

    I don’t know what you think, but perhaps it could be good to add that as an option too somewhere in the future? For there are cases where it’s much better if previously added locations aren’t offered to an unrelated event lister ??

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    Although there’s no specific setting to disable the location autocomplete, you can fake it by setting “Use dropdown for locations” to Yes under Events > Settings > General > General Options.



    Yes, what I did was to create a location called: “_Location To Be Determined”. The punctuation causes it to appear first on the list and thus be the default.

    Clever ??



    ?? Hope it’s helpful to others, but must admit that I learned it from someone else.

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi, I don’t see how that solves the problem in my instance though, because I still want people to be able to enter their own location, because I need that data attached to the post for search reasons.

    I just don’t want suggestions to pop up when typing in the location.

    Please can you point me in the right direction to hide this function? How has the functionality been incorporated?

    Did you try the workaround I suggested?

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi @caimin_nwl,

    If I use the workaround you suggest and make the locations a dropdown in the settings, then when someone enters an event in the submission form, they will only be able to use predetermined locations, which I don’t want.

    I want event listers to be able to enter their own location, whichever they choose.

    I just need for them not to be offered a list of locations which have already been entered at the site by other people when they do this.


    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi just following up on this, is there anything you could point me towards?
    Many thanks

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    (If it would be possible to perhaps point me to the docs, where the code that controls whether autofill for existing locations is active or not, I’m sure I’ll be able to work out the detail, I’ve been looking at forms/event/location.php.

    To reiterate just in case, it’s important in this case that locations can be entered manually [ie not solely pre-determined locations via dropdown] but I just don’t want the form to offer up locations that already exist as pages on the site).

    Thank you

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