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  • Plugin Author PieterC


    Hi Pandaj,

    You can use the default WooCommerce ‘woocommerce_email_order_meta_keys’ filter to filter this field from the customer emails.



    Thread Starter pandaj



    I’m sorry but would it be possible for you to let me know exactly what to put in functions.php? I’m really not sure where to begin.

    Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter pandaj


    Okay this was a complete guess, but I think works!

    Does it look right?

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta_keys' , 'remove_hearaboutus_fields' );
    function remove_hearaboutus_fields( $fields ) {
         return $fields;
    Thread Starter pandaj


    @siteiptimo I take that back, it doesn’t work!

    Plugin Author PieterC


    Hi Pandaj,

    Your code should work, but you’re probably removing the fields before we’re inserting it.

    Have you tried giving it a later priority (ie 15)?

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta_keys' , 'remove_hearaboutus_fields',15 );
    function remove_hearaboutus_fields( $fields ) {
         return $fields;
    Thread Starter pandaj



    I tried adding a note in a Woocommerce order to send another email out and the source is still included with your code above.


    Your plugin is great, and does exactly what I need, but I need to remove the output on the customer email.

    I’ve tried both the above codes in my childtheme functions.php file which didn’t work.

    I was wondering if there’s a way to do it by editing the cutomer-processing-order.php

    Thanks in advance.


    Plugin Author PieterC


    Hey Sarah,

    We made some changes and the above code no longer works. Now you will need to do this:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta_keys' , 'remove_hearaboutus_fields',15 );
    function remove_hearaboutus_fields( $fields ) {
         unset($fields[__( 'Source', 'woocommerce-hear-about-us' )]);
         return $fields;

    If that doesn’t work, please try and remove that filter all together:

    function remove_wchau_email_field() {
        global $WCHAU;
        remove_filter( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta_keys', array( $WCHAU->customField, 'add_field_to_email' ) );
    add_action('init', 'remove_wchau_email_field', 15);

    Hope this solves your problem.


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