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  • Plugin Author e-colori – Tobias


    Hey jmilo,
    in the free version the registration fields are not customizable. It might be an option of the PRO-Version.
    You can write me an email to [email protected] and I might help you with this.

    Plugin Author e-colori – Tobias


    Hey jmilo,
    in our new update version 1.4 we added CSS IDs to every form field. Now you can easily set the country field to display none!

    for example
    <p id="wpecr_country">...</p>

    Use this CSS in your theme style.css file:

    .wpecr_registration_form #wpecr_country{
    display: none;

    Only the form field for terms you need to fade out on the settings page of the plugin.
    You need to tick off: Visibility terms [x] Show term link on registration page

    I hope this helps.



    Please tell me where exactly I can change the default country setting in the register form (from “Deutschland” to “Schweiz”)

    Thank you, michael

    Plugin Author e-colori – Tobias


    Hi Michael,
    You have to choose Swiss language I guess for your Blog (the plugin sets default country to the browser settings or chosen language).
    Settings > General > Site language. Select here Swiss German.

    Let me know if it worked.



    Thank you for your replay. When i change the language in General-Site language to Swiss German then the language in the calendar appears all in English…

    Plugin Author e-colori – Tobias


    Oh, yes sorry. There has nobody “translated” the plugin to “Swiss German” yet. Only German, which is another .po-File.
    I will do an update for the plugin, hopefully tomorrow. So everyone can translate the plugin easier.
    What you could try now is to rename both files (*.po and *.mo) in the languages folder of the plugin:

    Than it hopefully might work!
    Greetings Tobias

    You can forget about the “Swiss German” (gsw) locale. Use “German (Switzerland)” (de_CH) instead. Those are not the same.



    What I do not understand is, why German should be different to German (Switzerland). Simply the term “cost” is translated to “Eintritt” instead of “Kosten”.Please tell me where to change those wordings permanentaly.
    Thank you so much, michael

    Plugin Author e-colori – Tobias


    Hi Michael,

    You can change strings of the language file e.g. with the plugin Loco Translate

    regards, Tobias

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